
Close-up of a Geometric paper pyramid featuring Omakase at Janeiro Hotel
Close-up of a Geometric paper pyramid featuring Omakase at Janeiro Hotel
Close-up of a Geometric paper pyramid featuring Omakase on a table at Janeiro Hotel
Close-up of authentic Japanese dishes served in Omakase at Janeiro Hotel
Warm embrace & flowers in Omakase Restaurant at Janeiro Hotel
Dining area with wooden interior in Omakase Restaurant at Janeiro Hotel
Chef's preparing dishes by the counter in Omakase Restaurant at Janeiro Hotel
Black & white image of people dining in Omakase Restaurant at Janeiro Hotel

It is at the counter of THE LITLLE POOL BAR, located on the 18th floor of the hotel, that the “OM.AKASE” experience takes place.

In this intimate, exclusive environment, celebrated chefs and renowned specialists in Japanese culture are invited to present us with Japanese treats that are as traditional as it gets, in fusion with the best, freshest products found in Brazil.

Dinners take place in the 2nd semester of the year. Each month, a renowned chef is invited to present their own Om.Akase tasting menu for three nights to just eight people at the counter at a time.